
This will invoke the standard color picker widget to select a color. This has mechanisms to get a color from your data and to set a new color into your data. This is performed by two attribute functions.




  • getF( getFF:Fstring) – this is a string with an HTML hex color specification or a function that will return such a string. This is how the color picker gets the current color from your data. This is called each time the component is rendered.
  • setF( setFF:(color:string)=>void ) – whenever the color picker changes its color, the setFF function will be called. Inside this function is where you set the color into your application’s data.


new ColorPickerUI().getF(()=>{
     return mydata.color;
     mydata.color = color;
     ZUI.notify(); // so the UI gets redrawn


  • ColorPickerUI – this is the default style class.